Service interuptions

Now then, just a quick note to say that we’re currently experiencing reduced staff for various reasons and that we’re running a little behind!

We’ve done what we can today and got all the next day packages out the door but we’ve run out of time with the staff that we do have and the added Brucey Bonus of a quarter of our stock being in another unit down the yard as we’re trying to move premises!

We were hoping things would calm down when the school holidays started judging by the amount of parts that we’d sent out during the various lock downs and that your vehicles would all be in tip top condition by now, seems that isn’t the case! It’s crazy busy and the lads are doing an epic job with what they are given to work with whilst we try and vacate our units.

Returns, we’re behind with those too, we know, we’ll do what we can as soon as we can!

Sorry for any inconvenience, rest assured we’re doing as much as possible to keep parts moving out the door but we cannot guarantee we can maintain the delivery times you’ve come to expect from us, we’ll try our best!

Please also be warned that at some point in the next few weeks (that we’ve not yet decided for obvious reasons!) that we’re going to be shutting for a week or so to give us the oportunity to move in fully to our new base.
