Guide Bush Kit – T3 Westfalia Swivel Base

You might want to sit down for these…
Almost every T3 Westy that comes in has a wobbly swivel base now. And the guide pieces havn’t been available for a long time.
A couple of companies out there have re made them, one of them being GoWesty in the USA, so no point in “reinventing the wheel” when theyre already out there.
Sadly, because theyre relatively low volume the production and tooling costs are quite high. Not to mention the costs of actually getting them here!
That said, we have some, they’re for when we need them and if you need them…
To be honest, we’re expecting a few “OMG WTF!!!11 HOW MUCH!!!11 SCENE TAX W@NKERS” etc comments, but the price is what it is, if we could get them and sell them cheaper we would but short of flying over and coming back with them stuffed in our socks thats not going to happen…
Actually… thats not such a bad idea 😀


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